
Literaturliste zur Soziologie des Konsums

ESA Consumption Research Network

The Consumption research network has been active in the European Sociological Association since the early 1990s, and has drawn in scholars from across Europe for discussion at the cutting edge of social and cultural debate on consumption.
Meetings of the group typically deal with a broad range of theoretical, methodological and empirical issues in the sociology of consumption.

Consumer Studies Research Network

The organizing group for Consumer Studies Research Network seeks to foster dialogue and debate among those who are interested in and concerned about the place of goods and commodities in social life. These interests and concerns may range from the poetics of micro/personal identity formation to the identity politics of gendered, raced and classed display, from historical work on the rise of consumer culture to a critique of Nike advertising, from investigations of typical places of consumption to the study the dynamics of globalization and urban areas. Individuals affiliated with Consumer Studies Research Network desire to bring to the fore, in their own ways, the depths to which commodities and a market logic have come to pervade virtually all forms of social life and social interaction. The primary goal is to begin to engage in an interchange.